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Cold Sweat
1st Lisbon Contemporary Jewelery Biennial
From September 17th, 2021 to January 31st, 2022
Health and Pharmacy Museum Lisbon

Monday to Saturday 10am to 6pm.
Admission: adults (6€), seniors and students (4€).
Information: museumdafarmacia@anf.pt
“COLD SWEAT” is a polynuclear temporary exhibition organized by PIN - Portuguese Association of Contemporary Jewelry, in partnership with the São Roque Museum of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, the MUDE – Museum of Design and Fashion, Francisco Capelo Collection and the Health and Pharmacy Museum.
The exhibition, a central initiative of the 1st Lisbon Contemporary Jewelery Biennale, integrates contemporary jewelery, but also performance, sculpture, photography and film in dialogue with the space and works of the Church and the Museu de São Roque and the Museu da Farmácia, the two poles that host this exhibition project.
We are not looking for contrasts, but for framing, as if contemporary works were an integral part of the places where they are exhibited, expanding their meaning. It is also intended that the works of these museum collections be revisited through dialogue with contemporary pieces.
The dialogue between apparently heterogeneous works aims to stimulate reflection on the disturbing historical moment we are going through.